our principles

ERDRE CONSEIL relies on the diversity of its missions to bring you through the different stages its know-how and its know-how. First of all by carrying out an audit of the existing situation, because very often an outside eye allows you to see things differently. Then, an analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the company; as well as the identification of threats and opportunities in the sector. And finally, through the search for the best successes, will allow the appropriate strategy to be established with all stakeholders. Growth is a team effort!


our approach

How do some companies excel in their development? Can their practices for success be replicated? Is it a question of strategy, processes, structures or people? How can we explain the development of one organization, one company, compared to another, whatever its size, sector of activity, geographical location and/or economic situation?

Découvrir nos réponses

Our case studies


Aurélien P. - Manager of a Construction and Roughcasting company (44) A story that was supposed to last a few sessions, but ended up lasting almost 2 years... Initially a minority partner in my company, Thierry's support at the outset of our meeting consisted of guiding me in asserting myself as an entrepreneur. The sessions quickly led me to think about taking a 100% stake in the company. Thierry was able to target the strategic points to be developed. A few months after our first meeting, I took 100% control of the company. This was not at all what had been agreed at the outset of his intervention. I very much appreciated the exchanges with Thierry, which helped me to become aware of the fundamental technical, strategic and human aspects of the role of business owner. These coaching sessions were a determining factor in my development. I would like to thank Thierry warmly for the time we spent together.

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